Friday 1 July 2011

Saturday 2nd July 1.11am

1am. Home. Bed. Laptop.

My life is crazy. I sang my whole life, went to top drama school, do random acting jobs and then somehow have ended up as the hostess/ringmaster of one of the biggest Burlesque shows in London. I, who used to cringe at the thought of a short skirt, now parade myself around in corset and frilly pants for all to see, draping my limbs across pianos, pulling on ties and sitting on laps.

I share a corridor (yes a corridor - not a dressing room - oh the glamour) with several skantilly clad women who talk passionately about work, life, ambition, make do and mend, vintage lifestyle, men, being self employed and where to buy the longest lasting lipstick. These women, these "strippers" are the most excitingly passionate and hardworking women within the creative arts I have ever met. Meticulously planning every move, every tease, every carefully placed crystal.

Sex is a powerful thing. (oh like you didn't know that). I don't really know when I realized that I could be sexy. And that it could be a good thing. It was sometime around 'A Little Night Music' at drama school when I had to play a saucy, sexually active maid. But that was just the start of it. Burlesque has undoubtably changed my life. These women are empowered. I really hope Burlesque continues to blossom and grow as it has been because (especially as a typical ex-body-hating girl) it is so SATISFYING to see women ENJOYING their bodies and being PROUD of what they are and how they use it. The media has, for too long, made women feel like they should never be satisfied, that it should hurt to be beautiful. It's really not true. I used to look at skinny skinny women and envy them like mad. Now I just think how much better I fill a corset. How Coca-cola bottles were modeled on figures like Marilyn Monroe not Kate Moss.

I'm not saying that being thin is unacceptable. Far from it. (I'm just coming from the background of someone who has never been thin). In Burlesque, EVERY female body is worshipped, Big hips, small hips, huge boobs, no boobs, cellulite, balletic legs, it doesn't matter. All the girls OWN it. And that's what makes them sexy.

Never giving away too much. But just enough to make you go weak at the knees.

Yes please. Boogie on reggae woman.

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